
Our promise

dirtlej-products have the legal warranty towards the customer – excluding purchases from resale. The warranty involves damages on materials and craftmanship. If a dirtlej-product had a fabrication defect, we will ideally repair or replace the product without additional costs.

This warranty does not cover damage through: Crash, improper usage, incorrect care, negligence, normal wearout and the natural wear of colors and materials through the usage for a longer time.

All our products are manufactured after stringent quality standards. But no matter how thorough you care about it, at some point in time it will show traces of wear and tear. Our warranty covers damages on material and craftmanship. This does not include normal wearout. Cuts, abrasion and wearout on zippers, done by normal usage are not covered by our warranty.

Handling of warranty

All claims on warranty and liability through manufacturing defects have to be sent to dirtlej for approval. After our check, the products will be repaired or replaced.

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